First Tee Code of Conduct

Respect for Myself

I will dress neatly and wear golf or athletic shoes. I will always try my best when I play or practice. I will keep a positive attitude and catch myself doing something right regardless of the outcome. I will be physically active, eat well, get enough sleep, and be safe so I can stay healthy. I will be honest with myself, including when I keep score and if I break a rule. I will use proper etiquette and maintain my composure even when others may not be watching.

Respect for Others

I will follow all instructions and safety rules. I will keep up with the pace of play on the golf course. I will be friendly, courteous and helpful. I will remain still and quiet while others are playing and have fun without being loud and rowdy. I will be a good sport toward others whether I win or lose. I will encourage others to be safe and physically active.

Respect for my Surroundings

I will keep the golf course and practice areas clean and in as good or better shape than I found them. I will clean and take care of my and others' golf equipment. I will be careful not to damage anything that belongs to others.